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Here is a list of veterinary resources to help you find the information you need. 
Online Pharmacy

Vet Next Door offers a quick and easy way to order your pet’s prescriptions and diets online. Click here to check out our online pharmacy!

With so many other online pharmacies out there, ensuring your pet is getting safe medications from a reputable source is becoming more and more difficult. We have experienced many occasions where faxed, and phone approvals for medications have led to dosing errors and incorrect products being dispensed. For your pet’s safety, our hospital policy is to provide you with a written prescription for any medications you wish to order through another online pharmacy. We will not approve prescription requests over the phone, fax, or e-mail. You will be able to forward our written prescription to the pharmacy of your choice. The written prescription is a legal document, so please keep it in a safe location. The liability for any medication errors will fall on the online pharmacy you have chosen.

Alternatively, Vet Next Door offers in-clinic pick-up for a majority of medications, as well as our own online pharmacy for just about anything else. Our online pharmacy provides quicker approvals for medications and remains competitively priced with other online sources. Additionally, manufacturer guarantees and rebates may not apply for prescriptions purchased through other online pharmacies and 3rd parties. Rest assured, any prescription medication purchased in our hospital or through our online pharmacy has been stored properly and is fully guaranteed by the manufacturer. We are happy to partner in your pets’ care and look forward to continuing a happy, healthy relationship.

Pet Dental Care

Veterinary Oral Health Council

For both animals and people, prevention is key to the management of periodontal disease. The gold standard for daily oral hygiene is brushing teeth. This is not always easy in pets. Fortunately, there are many chewing products that can be an effective way of maintaining oral health. The Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) exists to recognize products that meet the standards of plaque and calculus (tartar) control in dogs and cats. Products are awarded the VOHC Seal of Acceptance following review of data from trials conducted according to VOHC protocols.
Because regular use of products carrying the VOHC Seal will reduce the severity of periodontal disease in pets, our veterinarians only recommend using the products found on this list:

Pet Food and Nutrition

Tufts Veterinary Nutrition Service –Petfoodology

The Cummings Veterinary Medical Center at Tufts University has a Clinical Nutrition Service which is a great resource for many of your pet food questions.


Balance It

For those interested in home-cooking their pet food, it is typically recommended to consult with a veterinary nutritionist to ensure you are feeding a well-balanced diet. is a website full of custom recipes appropriate for long-term feeding. They can provide appropriate recipes for healthy pets as well as those with underlying health conditions.

Financial Resources
End-of-Life Resources

Lap of Love

Lap of Love is an in-home pet euthanasia service. Their website is an excellent source for information related to end-of-life care, including having in-home euthanasia performed for your pet. Additional resources include quality-of-life assessments and grief-handling materials.

Animal Poison Control

Pet Poison Helpline 24/7 and the ASCPA Poison Control Center

Did your pet eat something potentially toxic? You should call the Pet Poison Helpline or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control. The sooner a pet poisoning is addressed, the easier, less expensive, and safer it is to treat. These poison control centers have the expertise to handle any unique poisoning scenario. Their experts will gather information about the poisoning, then determine if your pet can be monitored at home or should see a veterinarian. If veterinary care is needed, we will work directly with their experts and develop a specific treatment plan for your pet. A consultation fee may apply for their services. They will provide you a case number, which your veterinarian will use for all follow-up consultations with their experts regarding treatment of your pet.

Pet Poison Helpline 24/7: (855) 764-7661 /

Poison Control Center: (888) 426-4435 /


Pet Insurance
Unexpected veterinary visits can be expensive. As pets have become members of our family, more and more pet-owners are advocating for state-of-the-art diagnostics and treatment on par with that of human medicine. Pet Insurance can save you thousands of dollars over the course of your pet’s lifetime. Plus, you can rest assured that the highest standards of care are always within reach. Below are some links to help you shop the right Pet Insurance policy.

Pawlicy Advisor

PawlicyAdvisor provides a simple way to compare pet insurance options. Find a customized plan that best suits your pet.

There is a long list of pet insurance providers to choose from. How do you know which one will suit your needs? With Pet Insurance Review, you can compare all the top providers and read real reviews from policy-holders to help you make an informed decision.

Feline Resources

OSU Indoor Cat Initiative

Cats can be very particular creatures, especially those that are kept indoors. The Ohio State University Indoor Cat Initiative is a great resource for understanding your cat’s needs. This website features information about common Feline Life Stressors and suggestions for solving behavior problems related to litter box problems, conflict between cats, anxiety, and boredom.

Feline Chronic Kidney Disease -Tanya’s Comprehensive Guide

If your cat has been diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease or Kidney Failure, you may find this website very helpful. The information on this website was compiled by a very dedicated cat owner with personal experience managing this disease in her cats. We recommend discussing the advice on this website with your veterinarian before changing any treatment plans, however, we have found much of this information to be beneficial to cat owners. The website features economical diet recommendations for cats who will not eat prescription kidney diets, instructions for administering subcutaneous fluids, and summarizes the management of concurrent problems that are seen hand-in-hand with Chronic Kidney Disease.

Cat Thyroid Center – Ruskin, FL

Has your cat been diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism? Medical management is a lifelong commitment of medicating your cat, twice a day for the rest of their life. While methimazole can control the disease, it is not a cure. Regular blood tests are required to adjust the dosage and to check for dangerous side effects.

The Cat Thyroid Center offers a treatment called I-131 therapy. I-131 is more than a treatment, it is a cure! One painless injection is all it takes and your cat goes home in 48 hours. There are no side effects. This is considered the gold-standard treatment for hyperthyroidism. 97% of the cats given radioactive iodine do not require further radioactive treatment. If you would like to consider treatment with I-131 therapy, our doctors at Vet Next Door can coordinate with the Cat Thyroid Center to prepare your cat for their visit.

Cat Thyroid Center
Phone: (813) 641 – 3425
Address: 717 US-41 S. Ruskin, FL, 33570

Tri-Pawed: Embracing Canine Osteosarcoma

This is the story of Sheridan the dog, Dr. Morgan’s beloved best friend who was battling bone cancer in 2015. This personal video shares the experience of treating Sheridan’s cancer and brings to light what Sheridan was still capable of after a life-changing amputation of his front limb.